
How can I prepare for my private pregnancy scan?

You have just booked your appointment for your private pregnancy scan and you are eagerly counting down the days.

You have just booked your appointment for your private pregnancy scan and you are eagerly counting down the days. You tell all your friends and family and post daily updates on Facebook about coming soon pictures and videos of your little super star in the making. During all of this excitement, it may be easy to forget a few important things you need to do to prepare for your appointment so that you can get the most from your scan.

Did you know that it is crucial to stay well hydrated during pregnancy, the recommended daily fluid intake while pregnant is 1.5-2 litres. Staying well hydrated aids the renewal of amniotic fluid, kidney and liver function and much more. Increasing your fluid intake the week leading up to your scan is essential, it will encourage a better volume of fluid around your baby which will help to improve the clarity of your scan.

Another important point to consider prior to your scan is getting to know when your baby is most active, or finding out which foods or drinks your baby responds to. By getting to know your baby you will be able to choose the perfect time to book your scan to ensure your baby is at its most active, which will help to achieve the best possible views of your baby. Often having something sweet will encourage your baby to move, however your baby’s response to food will vary so keeping a diary may help you to find what foods your little bundle enjoys and reacts to. From our experience babies who are awake and moving are more likely to get the best possible images, capturing those super cute facial expressions and making it easier to get your baby to move into the perfect scan position.

At Bumptobaby we have luxurious and spacious surroundings to accommodate your guests. We can comfortably accommodate 8 guests which will allow you to share this special bonding time with all the important people in your life. We believe this will alleviate the stress of who to invite, which can sometimes cause parents lots of anxiety which is not good for mum’s or baby’s.

Finally make sure you enjoy the excitement and build up to this captivating event, you’re about to see what your baby looks like creating lasting loving memories of your perfect little miracle.

Safety of private Obstetrics Ultrasound

Maternity care providers and practitioners all want the best for you and your baby, believing scanning is not harmful.

Maternity care providers and practitioners all want the best for you and your baby, believing scanning is not harmful. However, even experts and organisations that are most involved in promoting and performing scans have accepted that there are unanswered questions about the safety of scanning for non-medical purposes.

For these reasons, Sonographers at Bump to Baby take the safety of you and your baby very seriously and adhere to the ALARA principle – to limit exposure to “as low as reasonably achievable”. This means that we have our equipment set to the lowest possible settings, whilst still producing quality images of your baby. We also impose a maximum amount of time that we will expose your baby to the ultrasound, therefore even our most expensive package will not last for more than 45 minutes.

In order to achieve this, ultrasound machines should only be operated by highly trained qualified medical professions. Here at Bump to Baby all Sonographers are diagnostic radiographers who have postgraduate qualifications in Medical Ultrasound and are registered with a professional body, either HCPC (Health and Care Professionals Council) or NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council). You can check whether your Sonographer is qualified by checking their details on-line or asking to see their registration documents.



Bump to Baby have these documents ready to view in the clinic and would recommend you check this information prior to having any private scan.

We also follow BMUS (British Medical Ultrasound Society) and RCOG (Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) guidelines for private obstetric scans and ensure as standard with every single scan we perform a wellbeing check ensure both mother and baby’s health is our main priority.

What are the benefits of private pregnancy scans?

Scans are Amazing!!!! From the traditional 2D black and white scan to the latest 3D/4D technology, seeing your…

Scans are Amazing!!!! From the traditional 2D black and white scan to the latest 3D/4D technology, seeing your baby developing and changing brings so much joy. Even after years of scanning babies it never fails to amaze, how much love and connection a scan can bring to excited parents to be.

For uneventful pregnancies mothers will be offered 2 scans in the NHS, one at 12-14 weeks to date your pregnancy and another around 20 weeks to check the anatomy. During both of these scans essential checks and screening is carried out, these scans help to monitor the health of your baby and ensure that he or she is developing normally. After this no further scans are offered which leaves parents with a long 20 week wait to see their baby again.

Private scans should never replace your hospital scans, as these are essential to check the health and wellbeing of your baby. Often the all important baby snap may be overlooked in the clinical setting or minimal time will be spent capturing your baby’s pictures. This can sometimes lead to women feeling let down by their NHS scan. During your pregnancy the wellbeing of your baby is paramount however being able to clearly view your babies face allowing you to imagine what your child might look like is also part of the magic of ultrasound.

At Bumptobaby we offer the perfect blend of scans, allowing you to check your baby’s development, while capturing beautiful images of this special time. While there is a price associated with private pregnancy scans, when you consider the extra service and attention to detail being offered, while providing the opportunity to bond with your baby more and more mum’s are happy to pay for this elective service. We offer a wide range of scans from 8-40 weeks and our packages cost between £40 and £150 making our clinic accessible and affordable. We want to offer all Mum’s piece of mind by providing you with precious bonding moments provided by fully qualified, registered diagnostic radiographer/sonographers giving you ultimate peace of mind, while capturing beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.

HDLive Ultrasound Technology

Imagine being able to capture true to life images of your babies face months before your due……. The lastest ultrasound technology from America is taking the UK by storm.

Imagine being able to capture true to life images of your babies face months before your due…….
The lastest ultrasound technology from America is taking the UK by storm. Anyone who has seen a scan in HD Live will confirm that the difference in image quality is clear giving you an experience like no other.
HDLive is the latest development in ultrasound technology allowing you to see your baby in greater detail than ever before. The realistic skin tone further enhanced by a movable light source adding light and shade to your babies face, creating life-like pictures that will take your breath away!!
HD Live images can only be captured by the new GE Voluson ultrasound equipment, not all private scan clinics will have this facility. At Bumptobaby we are excited to showcase this amazing technology, never before has your unborn baby felt so close.

Visit our clinic today to see the real difference in image quality while being safe in the knowledge you and your babies wellbeing are at the heart of every scan we perform.

Seeing is Believing


496 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8NH

Offering a Unique Experience

From the beginning of our journey we were determined that our surroundings would exude luxury and our equipment would be top of the range. There was never any question in our mind to cut costs in these areas. In order to produce quality images it is essential that you utilize state of the art equipment, operated by qualified staff who are passionate about the job they do.​

Customer Reviews

"What an amazing feeling to look at my little one in 3D. I will pop in to say hello with Jnr when he gets here :)"

-Deborah Palmers

#BumptoBaby Instagram

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